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Mining Companies
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Candente Copper is developing the large scale Cañariaco Norte copper deposit located in Northern Peru. The deposit contains Measured and Indicated Resources totalling 752.4 million tonnes grading 0.45% copper, 0.07 g/t gold and 1.9 g/t silver (0.52% Cu equivalent) containing 7.533 billion pounds of copper
The Cantung Mine is located in the Nahanni area of western Northwest Territories, Canada, approximately 300 km by road northeast of Watson Lake, Yukon, close to the Yukon border.
Our Cardinal River Operations (CRO) include the Luscar and Cheviot mines, as defined by our regulatory permits. The Luscar mine dates back to 1969 when mining began at Cardinal River Coals Ltd. Today, the Luscar mine is home to our coal processing plant, a main shop, haul road, ongoing reclamation and administrative offices.
New Gold owns 100% of the Cerro San Pedro Mine through the Mexican Company, Minera San Xavier (“MSX”). The Cerro San Pedro Mine has a history of ongoing legal challenges related primarily to a land use dispute, which challenges have been successfully overcome. 
Description: Porphyry open-pit copper mine and processing facilities. Did you know? The historic mine was among the first low-grade, open-pit copper mines in the world.
Cigar Lake is the world's second largest high-grade uranium deposit, with grades that are 100 times the world average. The mine is Cameco is 50% owner and the mine operator.
Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX:CUM) is a Canadian based, high growth mining company focused on adding value through successful exploration, project development, efficient operations, and opportunistic acquisitions. 
Cortez is one of the world’s largest and lowest cost gold mines, and the property also has excellent upside exploration potential.
Mining technique – conventional underground. Mining depth – 1,021 meters. Nameplate capacity – 1.361 million tonnes KCl. Operational capability (2013) – 2.6 million tonnes KCl
Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Company (CC&V) has been mining gold in the Cripple Creek Mining District (District) since 1976. AngloGold Ashanti (Colorado) Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti North America Inc (AGANA), is majority owner and manager of CC&V.