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Mining Companies
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The Endako Mine is a primary, surface molybdenum mine located near Fraser Lake, 100 miles northwest of Prince George, British Columbia. The mine is operated as a joint venture with Thompson Creek holding a 75% interest and Sojitz Corporation, a Japanese company, holding a 25% interest.
Endeavour is a gold producer delivering growth. Endeavour owns Four gold mines producing more than 400,000 ounces per year in Mali, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Côte d'Ivoire.   Endeavour's annual gold production is forecast to exceed 400,000 ounces per year during 2014, including the start-up of commercial...
Named by the Great National Leader Ataturk after the Hittite Civilization, which began mining activities in the world as far back as 6,000 BC living and excelling at mining on the bountiful lands of Anatolia, Eti Maden has entered its 76th year of operations.
Our Fording River operation is located 29 kilometres northeast of the community of Elkford, in southeastern British Columbia. Fording River is comprised of approximately 23,000 hectares of coal lands.
Formation Metals Inc. is a well-established Canadian mineral exploration and mine development company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCO, the OTC-QX trading platform under the symbol FMETF and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol FOQ. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries it has interests in base and precious...
Kinross acquired a 100% interest in the Fort Knox open pit mine in Alaska in 1998. The mine is located within the Fairbanks mining district, a northeast trending belt of lode and placer gold deposits that comprise one of the largest gold producing areas in the state of Alaska.
Galore Creek is jointly and equally owned by NOVAGOLD and Teck Resources, one of the largest diversified mining companies in the world. Galore Creek, when put in production as envisioned in the Pre-Feasibility Study results released on July 27, 2011, is expected to be the largest copper mine in Canada, one of the best mining jurisdictions in...
Taseko's is the owner (75%) and operator of the Gibraltar copper-molybdenum mine, located in south-central British Columbia, the second largest open pit copper mine in Canada and the largest employer in the Cariboo region. 
Global Cobalt Corporation (TSX.V:GCO) is a strategic metals company focused on the development of a new mining region in the Republic of Altai, Russia.   As first mover into this new region, Global Cobalt will be able to leverage the world-class Karakul Cobalt Project and bring on stream a number of projects creating a mining...
Golden Star is a 25-year-old mid-tier gold mining company with total historical gold production of over two million ounces. The Company has two operating mines situated along the prolific Ashanti Gold Belt in Ghana, West Africa. Our growth strategy is the result of our exploration and expansion activities at both Bogoso/Prestea and Wassa...