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Mining Companies
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Crocodile Gold is a Canadian mining company operating the Cosmo Gold MIne in the Northern Territory, Australia and the Fosterville Gold Mine and Stawell Gold Mine in the State of Victoria, Australia. 
Diamcor Mining Inc. is a fully reporting publically traded junior diamond mining company which is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol V.DMI, and on the OTC QX International under the symbol DMIFF.  The Company has a well-established prior operational and production history in South Africa, extensive prior experience...
Doray Minerals Limited (ASX: DRM) is Western Australia's, and Australia's, newest high-grade gold producer. The Company achieved its first gold pour in August 2013 from its high-grade Wilber Lode deposit at the Andy Well Gold Project in the northern Murchison region of Western Australia.
Dundee Precious Metals Inc. is a Canadian based, international gold mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development, mining and processing of precious metals.
Dynacor Mines Inc. began operating in Peru in 1996. That year, the Company commenced the construction of the Huanca-Acari gold ore-processing plant in southern Peru
Eldorado Gold is a Canadian low-cost gold producer with over 20 years of experience building and operating gold mines in Europe, Asia and South America. We are dedicated to responsible operations, the highest safety and environmental standards and working with stakeholders to enhance the communities where we operate.
Elgin Mining is a Canadian based company focused on production at the Björkdal Gold Mine in Sweden, and on advancing the Lupin gold mine, located in Nunavut, Canada, to a production decision. Elgin Mining also selectively reviews opportunities to add advanced stage development projects to its portfolio
Encanto Potash Corp. (EPO) has been working with its First Nations partners for the past four years to establish significant potash resources. EPO has a 100% interest in the Muskowekwan Potash Project underlying 61,400 acres.
Endeavour is a gold producer delivering growth. Endeavour owns Four gold mines producing more than 400,000 ounces per year in Mali, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Côte d'Ivoire.   Endeavour's annual gold production is forecast to exceed 400,000 ounces per year during 2014, including the start-up of commercial...
America’s premier uranium producer.  Energy Fuels is a fully-integrated producer of both uranium and vanadium, with the only operating uranium mill in the United States.  Uranium is the fuel for clean, carbon-free electricity.  Vanadium is utilized in steel alloys and advanced battery technologies.  Built on a...