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Mining Companies
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With a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development, Vale is a global mining company with headquarters in Brazil. We are leaders in the production of iron ore and the second largest producer of nickel.​
With a mission to transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development, Vale is a global mining company with headquarters in Brazil. We are leaders in the production of iron ore and the second largest producer of nickel.​ Vale plays a large role in your everyday life and in the world around you. We are proud to teach you...
Wesdome has been mining gold in Canada for 25 years. Its philosophy has been to build up longterm, sustainable operations with modest initial capital costs.
The Wesdome Group has been producing gold since 1987. Since 1987 it has put five gold mines into production and assembled strategic property and mining infrastructure in Val d’Or, Quebec and Wawa, Ontario.
Xstrata Nickel’s mining operations include mines and processing facilities in Ontario and Québec, Canada; a ferronickel mine and processing facility in Bonao, Dominican Republic; high-grade sulphide mines and a processing facility in Western Australia; and a refinery in Kristiansand, Norway. Xstrata Nickel also has a highly...
Adex is unique among mining companies worldwide. Our Mount Pleasant Mine property in New Brunswick, Canada, hosts two distinct deposits: the Fire Tower Zone and the North Zone.  The Fire Tower Zone is situated in the southeastern part of the Mount Pleasant property and hosts significant resources of molybdenum and tungsten.  The...
Alacer Gold Corp. is a leading intermediate gold mining company, operating its 80%-owned world-class Çöpler Gold Mine in Turkey.
The Alamo Dorado open pit silver mine is located 45 kilometres south-southeast of the town of Alamos in the southeast corner of the state of Sonora, near the border with the state of Sinaloa in northwest Mexico. The mine consists of two contiguous mining concessions, the 509 hectare Alamo Ocho concession and the 4,865 hectare Alamo Dorado...
Alderon is a development company with an iron ore project located next to mining towns of Wabush and Labrador City in Western Labrador, Canada. 
Alhambra Resources Ltd. ("Alhambra" or the "Corporation") is a Canadian based exploration and gold production corporation. Operating through its wholly owned subsidiary, Saga Creek Gold Corp LLP ("Saga Creek") Alhambra is in its eighth year of operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Saga Creek holds the rights...