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Mining Companies
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Amerigo's wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Valle Central (MVC), produces copper and molybdenum concentrates from tailings from the world's largest underground copper mine, Codelco's El Teniente mine, a copper producer for the past 100 years with remaining ore reserves lasting many more decades. 
The Antelope Mine is located in the southern end of the PRB, approximately 60 miles south of Gillette, Wyoming. The mine extracts thermal coal from the Anderson and Canyon Seams, with up to 44 and 36 feet, respectively, in thickness. Antelope mined and shipped 34.3 million tons of low sulfur, 8,889 Btu coal in 2012. Coal mined from Antelope...
Argonaut Gold Inc. is a gold producer with operating mines and advanced exploration projects in the state of Durango, Mexico and Guatemala.
Description: Bagdad is an open-pit copper and molybdenum mining complex. Did you know? Bagdad is home to the world’s first commercial-scale concentrate leach processing facility (2003) and one of the longest continuously operating solution extraction/electrowinning (SX/EW) plants in the world (1970). An unincorporated community,...
Banro is a Canadian gold company with production from its first gold project, Twangiza, which is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Banro is also focused on the development of its second open pit project Namoya and is undertaking exploration on two further fully permitted and licensed projects, Kamituga and Lugushwa. All...
Barkerville Gold began work in the Cariboo Goldfields in 1994. After purchasing the QR Mine and Mill in central British Columbia in February, 2010, the Company became one of Canada's newest gold producers when mining at the QR mine led to gold doré production in September 2010. The Company expects to continue production in 2013...
Belvedere Resources Limited is a Canadian incorporated mining company with a primary focus on gold, nickel, cobalt and copper in Finland. The company is developing a series of satellite gold deposits for processing at their Hitura mill complex, potentially allowing a low capex entry into gold production. 
Besra is a gold producer focussed on Southeast Asia. With a solid history in Vietnam, where the company has brought two gold mines into production, we are now moving ahead with the development of the Bau Gold Field in East Malaysia.
Kennecott Utah Copper is a fully integrated mining operation located just outside Salt Lake City, Utah, US. Kennecott is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto. For more than 110 years, Kennecott has been mining and processing minerals from the rich orebody of the Bingham Canyon Mine. In 1989, Rio Tinto acquired the Bingham Canyon Mine and...
Boliden is a metals company with focus on sustainable development. Our roots are Nordic, but our business is global. The company's core competence is within the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and metals recycling.