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Mining Companies
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Jaguar Mining Inc. is a gold producer in Brazil with operations in a prolific greenstone belt in the state of Minas Gerais. Jaguar owns or controls mineral resources in a land base of approximately 210,000 hectares in Brazil, including the Gurupi Project in the northern state of Maranhão. This vast resource base represents significant...
KGHM International Ltd. operates mines in Canada, the USA and Chile and is currently constructing the Sierra Gorda copper-molybdenum project in Chile. We are advancing the Ajax project in British Columbia as well as the Victoria project, our newest discovery in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź...
Kingsgate Consolidated Limited (Kingsgate) is a highly successful gold mining, development and exploration company, traded on the Australian Stock Exchange (KCN: ASX).
Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. is an operating and exploration gold company located in Kirkland Lake, ON in the Southern Abitibi gold belt.
Kombat Copper Inc. (TSX-V : KBT) is a publicly traded Canadian exploration and development company. Our core operations are focused on copper resources in Namibia, one of the world's most prospective copper regions, where we have substantial assets in place and significant exploration upside. 
The La Colorada Mine is located in the Chalchihuites district in Zacatecas State, Mexico, approximately 156 kilometres northwest of the city of Zacatecas and 99 kilometres south of the city of Durango. The La Colorada mine is comprised of three separate underground silver mines covering an area of approximately 2,864 hectares.
Located 125km Northwest from the nearest large town of Caborca in the State of Sonora, with a population of 81,000 (2010 census). Workers from area villages are provided daily transportation to the mine site.
Labrador Iron Mines is engaged in the mining of iron ore and in the exploration and development of direct shipping iron ore projects (the "Schefferville Projects") in the central part of the prolific Labrador Trough region, one of the major iron ore producing regions in the world.
QIT-Fer et Titane exploits an ilmenite deposit at Lac Tio, near Havre-Saint-Pierre, Quebec, and operates a metallurgical complex in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, where high-quality titanium dioxide, pig iron and steel are extracted from this ore.
The sylvite (potash) deposits of Saskatchewan formed over 350 million years ago as a result of the final stage of evaporative concentration of sea water in a middle Devonian sea.