ASDR Environment


Oct 1, 2013

Closed circuit supply

Mandate: Set-up a closed cicuit to supply water for a drill.

Temporary dam

Mandate: Build a temporary dam in Morroco bu Tencate Géotube.

Méthode Géotube

Projet Millenbach

Mandate: Waste water management of a mine tailing.

Projet Xtrata

Mandate: Emptying and treatment of the Bacemac Mcloed pit.

Treatment of undergroud waste water

Mandate: Installation of an undergroud waste water treatment system.

Modular treatment plant

Emergency mobile plant



Assist the engineer in their design plans and specification tasks with the help of CAD-DAO developing tools. Validate the conformity of plans and specifications according to the guidelines, prescription codes and other regulations.


Reports to the engineer and is implicated in the design, modelling, and the execution of client drawing approvals and drawings for manufacturing. Design and produce engineering drawings.


Actively participate in the design and realization of multiple multidisciplinary projects. Participate in the design of plans, offers and details within the guidelines of upcoming and current projects.