C.I.S. Group of Companies

Credit Report

Mar 5, 2014
What are the benefits to doing a Credit Check?
A poor Financial Record could suggest:
1. An inability to manage money.
Ask this question: “If I’m considering this candidate for a position of money handling, will they manage my funds like they manage their own?”
2. A desperate situation ...
could lend to motive for “supplementing income” through theft, fraud, manipulation of goods and services or other means to pay off debt. Could the position present itself as their means to an end?
3. The applicant may be “living beyond their means” and in so doing, motivation is high to continue this lifestyle through means of exploitation provided through employment.
Who should you perform a Credit Check on?
1. Any persons handling:
• Credit Card information
• Cash or currency or those making bank deposits
• Payroll Clerks
• Bookkeepers
• Controllers
• Accountants
• Financial Directors
• Managers and those in Positions of Trust

2. In addition:
• Delivery Drivers
• Sales Personnel
• Shippers and Receivers

3. Persons who are mobile and have access to goods:
• Skilled Trades
• Supervisors
• Cleaners
• Security

Discovering a poor credit rating may not suggest any more than a personal struggle resulting in financial hardship. A Financial Report is a tool meant to speak to the matter regarding the candidate’s abilities and should not be used to discriminate against.

Source: http://corporateinquiry.com/ourservices/creditreport.html