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Canadian Project: Northwest Wall Depressurization for Diavik Diamond Mines

Mar 26, 2014

Tetra Tech assessed and supervised the installation of rock support for the protection of workers at the Diavik open pit mine. Key features of this project were water depressurization and pit slope stability.
Existing instrumentation indicated that high water pressures might limit future pit excavation. To eliminate upward hydraulic gradients and achieve negligible water pressures, a well system was designed to depressurize the northwest corner of the pit.
A pit slope stabilization plan was designed to protect the well, installation personnel, and infrastructure such as the well heads monitoring and drainage system.
Tetra Tech designed and supervised the implementation of the slope stability program, which included rock bolts, rock mesh, and other protection measures. These measures allow for depressurization, and the pit can now be deepened to the 250 meter elevation.

Source: http://www.tetratech.com/projects/northwest-wall-depressurization-for-diavik-diamond-mines-inc.html

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