Thunder Airlines


Charters serving Ontario and Surrounding Regions.

May 26, 2014

Cost effective
Charters are more cost-effective than you might think, often costing less than standard airfare. When you are traveling in a group, or need to move a lot of cargo, a charter flight is the perfect solution. Travel on your terms – with a charter, everything is up to you.
Are you tired of waiting in lines, the uncertainty of knowing just how much luggage you can take, and the hassle of stopping everywhere you don’t need to? You shouldn’t have to wait around. When you have places to be, it just makes sense to charter an aircraft.
Nothing beats plush executive seating, room for specialty cargo, and no security screening. Imagine no lines to wait in. Imagine flying around your own schedule. Imagine flying where you want, when you want, with the people you want. Contact us today for a free charter quote!


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