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Crystal Group Inc.

Configuration Management

Managing the effect of changing technology

Sep 1, 2014
Crystal Group's commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) offerings are based on open architectures and standard interfaces - but that doesn't mean you have to settle for a limited production life. Our proven Configuration Management Program helps you manage the effects of change in COTS environments.
Using Intel®'s Embedded Product Roadmap, Crystal Group's systems engineers stay on top of trends and products to make sure you have the most advanced and stable options available. You can also opt for a guaranteed effective life cycle management of up to seven years from when your program begins.
We'll keep you up to date on which parts are current and which are approaching end of life — and we'll find you a suitable replacement. Our configuration management expertise also ensures guaranteed effective control of your baseline hardware, preventing costly and unnecessary recertifications.
Crystal Group gives a maximum amount of notice to our customers to allow both parties to smoothly transition technology that ultimately enhances everyone's performance and profitability.


Source: http://www.crystalrugged.com/why-crystal/configuration-management/