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Geroline Inc.

About Geroline Inc.

Winter weather doesn’t stop us from working. Snowy and icy conditions make for treacherous working conditions. In fact, it is estimated that slip/fall injuries in North America result in over 100 million lost workdays a year, at an annual cost of $36 billion.
While not all falls occur outdoors, we believe those that are can be prevented. An effective and convenient ice cleat that the team will actually want to wear is a small investment to avoid the consequences of slip and fall injuries in the workplace. Geroline Inc. manufactures and distributes the industrial-quality K1 Series Ice Cleats and anti-slip solutions. We get the slip and fall problems that you are trying to solve and we’ve changed the game with our solution.
The K1 Series Ice Cleats are made different and made smart. Our products are trusted and even mandated by the largest companies in the world, proven across countless industries, and designed to keep the entire team safe no matter the job, conditions or footwear.