Instituto de Seguridad Minera (ISEM) Peru

About Us

We are a private non-profit association, made up of the main mining and industrial companies and independent professionals. Founded on February 25, 1998 under the patronage of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy, the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru, entities that would later be joined by the College's Mining Chapter of Engineers of Peru.
Currently the ISEM has the affiliation of the majority of medium-sized and large-scale mining companies, having positioned itself as an organization in which mining companies can obtain high-level training for their supervisors as well as updated information on prevention techniques of accidents.
Promote and support the management of occupational health and safety in Peruvian mining through continuous training, dissemination of best practices, and involving all stakeholders.
Achieve Peruvian mining without accidents or occupational diseases.