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De Beers - Victor Mine

About Victor Extension

Victor is one of 16 diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes in the immediate vicinity of the Victor Mine site and is currently producing some of the most remarkable rough diamonds in the world. All of the previously identified pipes in the cluster are within a 25km radius of the Victor site.
Since the opening of the Victor Mine in July 2008, De Beers Canada exploration efforts have been focused around extending the resource reserves at the Victor Mine. This work is often carried out in the winter months when moving around the target areas is easier for the team. Programs involve a variety of assessment techniques including core sampling, large diameter drilling and bulk samples. Current analysis indicates these satellite pipes are all smaller than the current Victor pipe, which has 27 million tonnes of ore and a forecast 12-year life-of-mine.
As more information is gathered about each pipe, priorities are developed regarding the economic potential of each target. Current programs are completing assessments on some of the more promising targets, but much work remains to determine if these pipes will become economic and extend the life of the Victor Mine.
To support the extension program, the Victor Mine has undertaken a Cost Optimization initiative at the mine to lower the day-to-day operating cost of the mine, enhancing the economics of these potential resources.
If the resources prove out, it would extend the life of mine and continue to provide substantial economic benefit for the surrounding communities.