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Northern College

About Northern College

Northern College Offers
Over 75 full-time and part-time certificate, diploma, and apprenticeship programs.
Courses and programs are also offered through correspondence, Contact North/Contact Nord, and OntarioLearn.
Over 800 web-based courses available.
Programs that are well respected in the areas of Trades and Technology, Health Sciences (human and animal), Human Services and Mining.
Many accredited programs and courses recognized by related professional associations.
Many programs have added industry certification built-in. Several double and multi-diploma options.
Many transfer agreements with other colleges and universities.
Student retention rate is higher than the provincial norm.
Jobs after Graduation
Faculty have excellent relationships with employers.
Faculty have networks of contacts that can help you land a job in your chosen field.
Double diplomas offered at Northern increase job prospects.
Quality of Education
Faculty and staff know you by name. Easy access to labs, facilities, computers, etc.
Accredited programs and courses recognized by their related professional associations .
Industry certification built into programs. Transfer agreements with other colleges and universities.