Home > Supplier Companies > Temagami Gold Inc.


Head Office
1 Presley Street
Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: P0J 1C0
Fax: 1-705-679-5519
E-mail: temagamigold@gmail.com
Telephone: 1-705-679-5500

Temagami Gold Inc.

Temagami Gold Inc. (TG) is a new (2114), private company, that has no liabilities, and has a clean share structure piloted by experienced exploration management and knowledge of the Temagami area and its mining camp. Mineral Exploration was severely hampered or curtailed from 1973 to 1996 due to the Temagami native land claim legal dispute which has now been resolved. Moreover, from the early 1960's to mid 2000's, some of the most prospective lands were tied up by the Teck, Dofasco (Sherman Mine) and most recently Falconbridge/ Glencore. The vast majority of these lands have now come open for staking or have been acquired by Temagami Gold Inc.
Sherman Mine May 8, 2015
Kanichee Mine May 8, 2015
Temagami Copper Mine May 8, 2015