Home > First Nations > Wahgoshig First Nation


Wahgoshig First Nation
310 Penatuche Road
Matheson, Ontario, Canada Post Code: P0K 1N0
Fax: 705-273-2900
E-mail: wahgoshig@wahgoshigfirstnation.com
Telephone: +1-705-806-2479

Wahgoshig First Nation

Formerly known as Abitibi Band of Abitibi Indians, Wahgoshig First Nation is an Algonquin community whose traditional territory straddles a large segment of Northeastern Ontario and Northwest Quebec. The Wahgoshig people were known centuries ago as a nomadic group of hunter-gatherers, and the majority of our members have Algonquin or Cree descent. 

Lands and Resources March 11, 2021
Health Services March 11, 2021
Education March 11, 2021