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Mining Companies
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Randsburg International Gold Corp is an exploration stage company, which is mainly engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral property interests in Canada and South America.
Red Tiger Mining is a copper and near-term gold producer with focus on maximizing profitability and pursuing growth through a combination of exploration and mergers and acquisition activities.
The 100% owned Renard Diamond Project, Stornoway’s flagship asset, is located near the Otish Mountains in north-central Quebec and is well on track to becoming Quebec’s first diamond mine. 
Rio Tinto is a leading global mining and metals company. Our focus is on finding, mining and processing the Earth's mineral resources in order to maximise value for our shareholders.
Rockex Mining Corporation is a public company focused on the development of its 100%-owned Lake St. Joseph IRON ORE deposit in northwestern Ontario. The Lake St. Joseph property is located approximately 100km northeast of Sioux Lookout and 80km southwest of Pickle Lake.
Sabina Gold & Silver Corp., a junior exploration company, focuses on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resource properties in Canada.
The San Gold mining complex is located 250 km northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada adjacent to the town of Bissett. The mine is 100% owned by the San Gold Corporation.
Sandstorm Gold Ltd. is a gold streaming company. Sandstorm provides upfront financing for gold mining companies that are looking for capital and in return, receives a gold streaming agreement. 
Scorpio Mining is a silver producer operating in Mexico with significant base metal by-product credits. The Nuestra Señora operation generates strong operational cash flow to support future financing requirements.   The Company remains focused on growth through advancing its nearby development projects to production...
Sierra Metals Inc. (formerly Dia Bras Exploration Inc.) is a premier Latin American precious and base metals producer. The Company owns and operates three mines in commercial production: the Yauricocha mine in Peru, the Bolivar and Cusi mines in Mexico.