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Mining Companies
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The Goldstrike Complex is located on the Carlin Trend, the most prolific gold mining district in the Western Hemisphere, about 60 kilometers northwest of Elko, Nevada. The Goldstrike operation includes the Betze-Post open pit mine and the Meikle and Rodeo underground mines which are located just north of the Betze-Post pit, along the same...
Our Greenhills operation is located 8 kilometres northeast of the community of Elkford, in southeastern British Columbia. Greenhills is comprised of approximately 11,800 hectares of coal lands.
GV Gold is one of the top ten gold producers of Russia, It carries out exploration and mining operations in two regions of Russia: Irkutsk Region and Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, GV Gold’s asset portfolio comprises of more than 10 licenses with the total area of over 700 km2
Hecla Mining Company’s rich history of mining has distinguished it as a respected precious metals producer. Hecla is not only the largest and one of the lowest-cost U.S. silver producers, but also a growing low-cost gold producer. It is the oldest precious metals mining company in North America.    
We are a leading underground precious metals producer focusing on high grade silver and gold deposits, with almost 50 years’ operating experience in the Americas.  We have a solid asset base, an extensive project pipeline and a clear strategy. 
The Horizon Oil Sands include a surface oil sands mining and bitumen extraction plant, complimented by on-site bitumen upgrading with associated infrastructure to produce high quality SCO. 
The Hycroft gold mine is located in the Sulfur Mining district, 54 miles west of Winnemucca in Humboldt County, Nevada. The mine encompasses approximately 61,389 acres, including both patented and unpatented claims. While in production under previous owners (1987-1998), Hycroft produced over one million ounces of gold using an open pit heap...
IC Potash Corp. (ICP-TSX, ICPTF-OTCQX) intends to become a primary producer of Sulphate of Potash (SOP) by mining its 100%-owned Ochoa property in southeast New Mexico, a highly advanced polyhalite mineral deposit.
Our history in the mining industry began in 1960 when Imperial Metals & Power Ltd. was incorporated in British Columbia. Over the past five decades, the Company has undergone a number of transitions to become the Company we are today.