AGAT Laboratories

Ore Grade Analysis

Oct 27, 2014

High accuracy and precision are required when analyzing ores, concentrates and high grade material. AGAT Laboratories offers a number of base metal analysis and fustion techniques for ore-grade analysis where total dissolution of the sample is required. These spectroscopy analyses are based on specialized, aggressive metaborate and sodium peroxide fusion techniques for a more detailed analysis of sulphide/laterite and lithogeochistry sampling projects.
Sodium Peroxide Fusion oxidizes samples at high temperatures. This powerful reaction is effective in dissolving high grade sulfides, laterites and other resistant minerals.
Lithium Borate Fusion is a strong fusion technique consisting of adding a mixture of lithium metaborate and tetraborate to the sample. After the sample is heated, the resulting molten bead is digested in a weak nitric acid solution. Lithium borate fusion is suitable for the dissolution of acidic oxides such as silicate rocks, silica-titanium, silica-aluminum refactories and related samples. This form of fusion is also used in kimberlite exploration work.
