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Association de l'exploration minière du Québec (AEMQ)

About Association de l'exploration minière du Québec (AEMQ)

The Quebec mineral exploration association (QMEA) is a non-profit organization that represents players in quebec’s mining sector.

The association was founded in 1975 to increase mining exploration in Quebec and support the development of mining entrepreneurship in Quebec. Today, QMEA represents 1,200 individual members and 200 corporate members.


QMEA has a mission to promote sustainable, responsible exploration for mineral resources in Quebec and their vital place in Quebec’s economy.
QMEA’s future vision is to become the benchmark in mining exploration expertise and responsible development in Quebec.
More than 40 years ago, the Association des prospecteurs du Québec saw the opportunity to stimulate exploration truly specific to Quebec. Now, under the name Quebec Mineral exploration Association, all players in Quebec’s mining sector rally around similar issues that remain just as relevant today.