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Consejo Minero Chile

About Consejo Minero

Consejo Minero is the trade association that brings together the large scale mining companies operating in Chile. Its main objective is promoting the competitive and sustainable development of chilean mining.
Strategic Objectives
  1. Promote the competitive and sustainable development of Chilean mining while contributing to the country’s welfare.
  2. Disseminate the current situation of the mining sector, its challenges and its contribution to Chile’s development.
  3. Contribute to the creation of modern, effective and stable public policies for the mining industry and its environment.
  4. Contribute to overcoming the sectoral challenges in terms of human capital, energy and hydric resources, among others.
Consejo Minero’s Sustainable Development Principles for Member Companies
  1. Integrate sustainable development as a fundamental pillar for the definition and implementation of our policies and practices in relation to the productive process and the areas where we operate.
  2. Prioritize the protection of workers health and safety from a preventive perspective.
  3. Minimize the environmental impact caused by every stage of the mine development cycle, from the exploration through closure.
  4. Contribute to the social and economic development of the communities where we operate and the strengthening of their institutions.
  5. Respect the basic rights, values, customs and culture of the people who might be affected by our activities.
  6. Promote and practice the efficient use of resources, especially energy and water.
  7. Promote the development and generation of capacities among the people and companies we work with.
  8. Apply corporate governance and management standards based on integrity, responsibility and transparency.
  9. Implement the best international practices and standards whenever possible and appropriate, acknowledging compliance with regulations as the basis of our conduct.
  10. Seek continuous improvement of our performance, supported by a critical analysis of our processes and correcting substandard actions and conditions in a responsible and timely way.
Principles on Climate Change
  1. Recognize that climate change is a global challenge that must be understood and addressed by all society agents -the mining industry among them- as part of the industrial processes responsible of the emission of greenhouse gases.
  2. Advocate the implementation of a binding global agreement on climate change; in particular, the ratification of the Paris Agreement subscribed in 2015.
  3. Advocate the adoption of cost-effective measures intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, free of any a priori discrimination between areas or segments within the same sector while considering the impact these measures can have on vulnerable sections of the population.
  4. Specifically, endorse the use of market-based instruments designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as innovation-fostering instruments.
  5. Continue to promote the use of renewable resources and other low-emission technologies for energy generation purposes while preserving the economic, safe and continuous supply objectives.
  6. Maintain and intensify the efficient use of energy in mining operations, sharing the progress and improvements made and innovations implemented.
  7. Disseminate the contributions made to mitigation by the mining activity by producing metals that allow electric power to be efficiently used and transmitted.
  8. Continue to include the need to adapt to climate change in the design and operation of mine sites.
  9. Endorse the implementation of climate change adaptation measures in the communities located around the operations, as part of the creation of shared-value and relationship processes.
  10. Continue to actively participate in the different public and private initiatives seeking for measures to mitigate, adapt and strengthen the climate change-related capacities, consistent with the above-mentioned principles.