Home > Supplier Companies > C.I.S. Group of Companies


Head Office
PO Box 159, Lambeth Stn
London, Ontario, Canada
Post Code: N6P 1R1
Fax: 519-652-8685
E-mail: info@corporateinquiry.com
Telephone: 1-(519)-652-1008; Toll-Free: 1-(877)-511-2435

C.I.S. Group of Companies

The C.I.S. Group of Companies is comprised of three distinct areas of expertise; *Corporate Investigations – WSIB, Theft, Fraud *Labour Management – Contingency Plans, Business Continuity Management *Pre-Employment Screening – Criminal Background Checks, References, Education Verifications.

Some clients are very specific in the services they want and require certain elements to complete the background investigation.
If you have specific questions you would like posed to references or would like to pick and choose specific components of the services we provide, Corporate Inquiry Systems will be pleased to comply or help design a personalized program.


Twitter Feed
@CIQ_HQ Corporate Investigation Services Requests Your Consent - http://t.co/sH7808e9C7
1 decade ago
@CIQ_HQ Christina was spotted having at blast at #NorthernMinesExpo #TheBigEvent. She's No. 1 in pre-employment screening. http://t.co/Lg8SvLTf3C
1 decade ago
@CIQ_HQ Good morning Timmins! Stop by our booth and say hello to Jayson and Christina #NorthernMinesExpo. #TheBigEvent #CIS http://t.co/SvNHFOdl8c
1 decade ago
@CIQ_HQ Failure To Vet Candidates Properly Is A Costly Mistake http://t.co/Vesz6ikAfM
1 decade ago
@CIQ_HQ What is absenteeism costing you? http://t.co/1Yobf88jKF
1 decade ago
Recent Activity
Good morning Timmins! Jayson and Christina are looking forward to meeting you at our C.I.S. Group of Companies exhibit at the #NorthernMinesExpo. #TheBigEvent
1 decade ago
— Taking their nod from U.S. law and practices, many Canadian employers refuse to provide references, good or bad, beyond confirming dates of employment and positions. Their reason; fear of being sued. But that concern is illusory. The courts protect employers from lawsuits related to providing negative damaging references by providing references (and job evaluations that damage employees' prospects) with "qualified privilege." The only time an employer can be successfully sued for libel based on a reference is if the employee can prove it was provided maliciously, and in bad faith i.e. the employer did not believe it itself. That is an almost impossible task because the courts believe it to be in the public interest for employers to be able to honestly opine about an employee to potential new employers. And they are right. There are too few motivational tools in the employer's armoury. If an employee knows their behaviour — good and bad — will follow them for the remainder of their career, they have a tendency to ensure it reflects positively upon them. And, good employees deserve to have prospective employers hear that about them. (Excerpt from the article below)
1 decade ago
1 decade ago
Candidates will often hide having prior convictions that are covered under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act as-well as the Criminal Code of Canada.
As an employer, you may ask this question: “Do you have a criminal record for which a pardon has not been granted?” You may ask during the interview or on the application form itself. You can disqualify the candidate if a “No, I do not have a criminal record” response is later revealed to be false.
Corporate Inquiry Systems provide International Criminal Record checks in over 200 countries worldwide.
Where international Laws provide access and where translation services could at times apply, results are returned within 24 hours from the USA. Expect other countries to report within 3 working days.
1) Pre-Employment Interviewing Techniques
2) Identity Theft
3) Workplace Violence Awareness
4) Harassment and Bullying Awareness
5) Substance Abuse in the Workplace
6) The H.R. Role to Building a Security Conscious Organization

Mr. Farr assumed the position of Vice President
of Training and Development Services in
of 2005. Lori Williams took over the
reigns at CIS in 
2005 after successfully moving
through the ranks at 
the CIS for 10 years