Home > Associations > Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros (CAEM)


Av. Corrientes 316, 7th floor, 751
CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina Post Code: C1043AAQ
Fax: 54 911 6875-1957
E-mail: info@caem.com.ar
Telephone: 54 11 5273-1957

Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros (CAEM)

CAEM represents the leading companies in large and medium-sized international mining, small international metal exploration companies and the small and medium-sized national mining company, mainly dedicated to application rocks and construction materials. It also supports the various supplier companies in the sector, from mining equipment manufacturers, to suppliers of inputs and services, technical, legal and financial.
Child Labor July 28, 2020
Diversity and Inclusion July 28, 2020
Social Investment July 28, 2020