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Mining Companies
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Compass Minerals is a leading provider of essential minerals that solve nature's challenges, including salt for winter roadway safety and other consumer, industrial and agricultural uses, and specialty plant nutrition minerals that improve the quality and yield of crops. The company produces its minerals at locations throughout the U.S.,...
Copper Mountain Mining Corporation (TSX:CUM) is a Canadian based, high growth mining company focused on adding value through successful exploration, project development, efficient operations, and opportunistic acquisitions. 
The Cordero Rojo Mine is located approximately 25 miles south of Gillette, Wyoming. The mine extracts thermal coal from the Wyodak Seam, which ranges from approximately 55 to 70 feet in thickness.
Cortez is one of the world’s largest and lowest cost gold mines, and the property also has excellent upside exploration potential.
Mining technique – conventional underground. Mining depth – 1,021 meters. Nameplate capacity – 1.361 million tonnes KCl. Operational capability (2013) – 2.6 million tonnes KCl
Covia offers a broad array of high-quality mineral and material products and the industry’s most comprehensive and accessible distribution network.
Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mining Company (CC&V) has been mining gold in the Cripple Creek Mining District (District) since 1976. AngloGold Ashanti (Colorado) Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti North America Inc (AGANA), is majority owner and manager of CC&V. 
Crocodile Gold is a Canadian mining company operating the Cosmo Gold MIne in the Northern Territory, Australia and the Fosterville Gold Mine and Stawell Gold Mine in the State of Victoria, Australia. 
Crow Butte was discovered in 1980 and began production in 1991. It is the first uranium mine in Nebraska, and is a significant contributor to the economy of northwest Nebraska.
Since 1888, De Beers has been involved in all aspects of the diamond business. From its mining operations across Africa, and most recently Canada, the company produces about 35 per cent of the world’s supply of rough diamonds.