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Mining and Minerals Market

Aug 31, 2014

The mining market covers the extraction, pre-treatment, processing & refining and transportation of minerals such as gold, copper, coal, potash and aluminium. In this industry high value assets face a unique corrosion challenge due to the combination of impact, abrasion and chemical attack. International Protective Coatings has a proven track record and has been protecting assets in the mining industry for over 35 years making us the best choice to meet all your coating demands for steel and concrete.

Solutions for Copper Processing
We protect the high value assets required for processing copper against the harsh corrosive environments faced in this industry. Our new construction coatings specification will be tailored to your specific copper facility needs.

Solutions for Iron Ore Processing & Handling
We protect the high value assets required for processing iron ore against the harsh corrosive environments faced in this industry. Our new construction coatings specification will be tailored to your specific iron ore processing and handling facility needs.

Solutions for Coal Processing
We protect the high value assets required for processing coal against the harsh corrosive environments faced in this industry. Our new construction coatings specification will be tailored to your specific coal facility needs.

Solutions for Gold Processing
We protect the high value assets required for processing gold against the harsh corrosive environments faced in this industry. Our new construction coatings specification will be tailored to your specific gold processing facility needs.


Source: http://www.international-pc.com/markets/mining-and-minerals/mining-and-minerals.aspx