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Mining Companies
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Located 125km Northwest from the nearest large town of Caborca in the State of Sonora, with a population of 81,000 (2010 census). Workers from area villages are provided daily transportation to the mine site.
Labrador Iron Mines is engaged in the mining of iron ore and in the exploration and development of direct shipping iron ore projects (the "Schefferville Projects") in the central part of the prolific Labrador Trough region, one of the major iron ore producing regions in the world.
QIT-Fer et Titane exploits an ilmenite deposit at Lac Tio, near Havre-Saint-Pierre, Quebec, and operates a metallurgical complex in Sorel-Tracy, Quebec, where high-quality titanium dioxide, pig iron and steel are extracted from this ore.
The sylvite (potash) deposits of Saskatchewan formed over 350 million years ago as a result of the final stage of evaporative concentration of sea water in a middle Devonian sea.
Legacy is a greenfield project for the setting up of a potash production on the basis of solution mining in the south of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. With Legacy K+S will be the only potash producer with large and own production facilities on two continents. 
Northern Sun Mining Corp. is a public company which trades on the TSX stock exchange under the symbol NSC (TSX:NSC). Northern Sun (formerly Liberty Mines Ltd.) has historically focused on the exploration, development and production of nickel and related base metals from its assets in the Shaw Dome, a prospective nickel belt near Timmins,...
Our Line Creek operation is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Sparwood in southeastern British Columbia. Line Creek supplies steelmaking and thermal coal to a variety of international and domestic customers. 
Luna Gold Corp. is a growing, cash-generating gold producer engaged in the operation, expansion, and exploration of promising gold projects. Luna aims to maximize shareholder return while ensuring safe, healthy, and secure workplaces, minimizing environmental impact, and both engaging with and assisting in community development.
Groupe industriel à vocation minière, Managem développe depuis plus de 80 ans ses activités au Maroc et à l’international. Opérant dans la valorisation des substances minérales, Managem démontre chaque jour son expertise dans chacune de ses activités.