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Mining Companies
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Potash West (ASX:PWN) is an exploration company focused on developing extensive greensand deposits in Western Australia’s Perth Basin. The Company aims to define a substantial resource base and investigate how best to recover potash, phosphate and other minerals from the greensand. 
Primero Mining Corp. is a Canadian-based gold and silver producer with operations in Mexico and intentions to become a leading intermediate gold producer in the Americas.
KGHM International Ltd. (formerly Quadra FNX Mining Ltd.) is a wholly owned subsidiary of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Our story is one of rapid growth, from a junior mining company to a global industry player.
The Rabbit Lake operation, which opened in 1975, is the longest operating uranium production facility in North America, and the second largest uranium mill in the world
Raglan Mine is part of the Glencore Xstrata Group. Our installations are located at the extreme limit of Northern Quebec, where we operate one of the richest base-metal mines in the world.
Randsburg International Gold Corp is an exploration stage company, which is mainly engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral property interests in Canada and South America.
Red Dog Operations is an open-pit truck-and-loader operation, using conventional drill and blast mining methods. Our mineral processing facilities use conventional grinding and sulfide flotation methods to produce zinc and lead concentrates.
Red Tiger Mining is a copper and near-term gold producer with focus on maximizing profitability and pursuing growth through a combination of exploration and mergers and acquisition activities.
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