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Mining Companies
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The Pebble Partnership is a joint venture between Anglo American and Northern Dynasty Minerals to develop one of the world’s most significant copper deposits in Alaska, in the US.
Pelangio Exploration is a junior gold exploration company that acquires and explores camp-sized land packages in world-class gold belts, while using innovative corporate restructuring to maximize shareholder value.
The Pend Oreille Mine (POM) is an underground zinc/lead mine with on-surface ore processing facilities and is 100% owned by Teck Cominco American Incorporated. At the end of 2006, Pend Oreille mine had approximately 180 employees
Pershing Gold Corporation (Pershing Gold) is an emerging Nevada gold producer uniquely positioned to create shareholder value by fast-track reopening of the Relief Canyon Mine. 
Petaquilla Minerals is a gold producer that operates its wholly owned Molejon gold mine in Panama and owns exploration and development stage projects in Spain and Portugal.
Piteau Associates offers geotechnical, hydrogeological, and environmental consulting services to the mining, construction, municipal, first nations, and industrial sectors. 
Piteau Associates offers geotechnical, hydrogeological, and environmental consulting services to the mining, construction, municipal, first nations, and industrial sectors.
The Pogo Gold Mine, where gold production was launched in Alaska, is our company's first overseas mine where we are taking the initiative. We were fully committed to the environment from the design stage and engaged the local residents in discussions which culminated in our receiving development permits.
Polymetal is a leading gold and silver mining group, operating in Russia and Kazakhstan. Company’s shares are listed on London and Moscow Stock Exchanges. Polymetal is a constituent of FTSE 250, FTSE Gold mines, STOXX 600 indexes.
Porcupine Gold Mines is a subsidiary of Goldcorp Canada Ltd., situated in Timmins, Ontario. Porcupine consists of two distinct mining operations; Hoyle Pond Underground and Dome Underground. These assets, combined with our world-class mill serve to ensure a sustainable future for our employees, their families and our community.